Fall update 2021
Back-to-school time is often exciting, fun and stress-invoking for children. For some it means reconnecting with friends, getting new clothes or a new box of crayons. For others it means returning to a schedule when they will start getting regular breakfasts and lunches again, in addition to getting special services such as work on language…
Q-Tips Are Not The Answer
At least once a week I have a patient come in to tell me that their hearing has suddenly gotten worse in at least one of their ears and/or they have pain and pressure in an ear. After looking into their ear, I soon discover a deep clump of wax is completely blocking their ear…
Our Friend and Client, Mr. Tabor
The Center for Hearing & Speech has continued to remove communication barriers for our clients throughout the pandemic. The Center provides an extraordinary service: accessible, convenient, safe, and cost-free transportation to and from client’s appointments. One of our seniors benefitting from our transportation services, Mr. Tabor, has become a dear friend to us at the…