How Are Multiple Sclerosis and Hearing Loss Connected?
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disorder where the body’s immune system attacks myelin, the protective covering for the brain, spinal cord and eyes. MS manifests in various symptoms, including, in some cases, hearing health. This is known as sensorineural hearing loss, and while not a common symptom, it does affect 4%–10% of individuals with…
Tips for Effective Communication with People with Hearing Loss
Effective communication is the cornerstone of every meaningful relationship, and it becomes even more crucial when interacting with individuals who have hearing loss. Whether it’s a family member, friend or colleague, understanding how to communicate effectively can bridge the gap and foster stronger connections. Let’s take a closer look at hearing loss and how you…
How To Manage Hearing Loss During Holiday Dinners
Planning holiday dinners involves a lot of moving parts. From putting together the guest list to counting the number of allergies and dietary preferences, there is a lot to juggle. Finding ways to manage your hearing loss during holiday dinners is one way to alleviate a little stress. How Can Hearing Loss Impact Holiday Dinners?…
What Is That Buzzing Sound in Your Hearing Aid While You’re on the Phone?
Hearing aids are small but technologically advanced devices with a microphone that receives sound, an amplifier that raises its volume and a speaker which transmits the sound directly into the ear canal. They can help improve communication with your loved ones, manage tinnitus symptoms and keep you more aware of your surroundings. If you’ve decided…
Can Hearing Aids Help You Avoid Communication Breakdown With Your Partner?
Healthy communication can help build a strong foundation for your relationship. Whether you and your partner are discussing your workdays, renovations for your house or just chatting over a latte at Living Room Coffee, communication breakdowns from hearing loss can cause big problems. A study on the impact of hearing loss on one’s spouse found…
What To Expect During A Hearing Aid Fitting
Choosing to get hearing aids can be the first step to an improved quality of life. A 2022 survey found that most hearing aid owners report “regular quality-of-life benefits” from their devices. Hearing aids help you better understand your friends and family, distinguish between speech and background noise and may even help your balance. Take…
Don’t Let Stigma Stop You From Treating Your Hearing Health
Having untreated hearing loss can make your life more difficult. You may struggle to follow conversations, whether at work or at home, feel mentally drained from straining to listen all day, and even be at a greater risk of other health problems. However, even though the consequences of not treating hearing loss are significant, many…
Job Interview Tips for Those with Hearing Loss
Everyone gets nervous before job interviews. But if you’re one of the 15% of American adults (37.5 million) aged 18 and over who report some trouble hearing (National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders), you may experience some extra jitters. The good news is there are ways you can compensate for your hearing loss…
Are Children with Hearing Loss More Likely to Experience Behavioral Difficulties?
There’s not a child on earth who doesn’t sometimes experience behavioral difficulties. However, some populations might be especially prone to these types of struggles. In fact, research shows that children with hearing loss are more likely to experience behavioral difficulties than children without. We review what the studies show below. What the Study Shows A…
How Does Hearing Loss Impact Learning in Young People?
Untreated hearing loss can have major effects on a child’s development, learning and social life. Because of this, it’s important to recognize the signs and seek interventions and accommodations early. Below we review the effects of hearing loss on learning in children as well as what teachers can do to accommodate their students with hearing…