What Type of Hearing Aid Should You Choose?
Picking the right hearing aid for you can be challenging, as there are a number of types and styles to choose from. That’s where the experts at The Hearing & Speech Center come in. Below is a breakdown of the different types of hearing aids and what you should look for when making your selection….
Causes of Hearing Loss
To understand the causes of hearing loss, it is helpful to know how the ear functions. The ear consists of three parts: outer, middle, and inner ear. Sound enters through the outer ear, causes vibration of the tympanic membrane (or eardrum). The vibrations set the middle ear bones (malleus, incus, stapes) into motion. This motion…
What are the Signs of Hearing Loss?
Hearing loss for most individuals happens gradually over a long period of time. Family members, co-workers or friends will most likely become aware of hearing difficulties before the affected individual. This is because hearing can decrease so gradually that the person with the hearing loss may not be aware of it. The following are just…
Do Headphones Cause a Hearing loss?
Whether sitting in a coffee shop, walking on a busy street or strolling around the mall, it seems like almost everyone has on headphones or has earbuds in their ears these days. Have you ever stopped to wonder what all of that music could be doing to their hearing? How loud is too loud for…