The Center’s School Screening Program provides simple – yet necessary – hearing and vison checks for preschool and school-age children throughout the community.
The Center’s professional screeners identify children with potential issues so families can pursue more in-depth testing and treatment. The Center screens more than 7,500 students throughout the St. Louis region.
- Hearing screenings are performed in school with portable audiometers and headsets. A child hears a series of beeps and responds by raising a hand.
- Vision screenings are completed with the latest Plusoptix technology to screen for:
- Farsightedness (Hyperopia)
- Nearsightedness (Myopia)
- Blurred Vision (Astigmatism)
- Unequal Refractive Power (Anisometropia)
- Unequal Pupil Size (Anisocoria)
- Eye Misalignment (Strabismus)
When a child does not pass the screening, the family is provided information on how to contact the Center clinic for professional and compassionate follow-up care or a referral to other area providers upon request.

If hearing or vision problems are detected, families have the opportunity to act early and get treatment to prevent potential long-term, negative impacts on a child’s development.
Hearing and vision disorders are often described as “invisible disabilities,” causing problems that are not easily detected but can be devastating to children as they develop.
Salena Kennedy
Director of Community Services